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Saturday, 14 May 2011

Finished The Sunny Day Dress

Wow......finally finished! And a bit of a sunny day today too so of course took advantage of the outdoors, well aside from the Costco trip......but got some great yard stuff so all in all it was AOK!

So this evening as the TV is blaring away ....I really truly don't like surround sound and I am not a TV watcher as devastated as I was............ I run to the sewing room and finish it up!

Isabella was not a willing participant to model the dress and the color is not her best......Ms Olivia was sleeping soundly after all her yard play today so just was not going to get up to do anything! But if the truth be known I do think it is more a black girl color and would look so bright and cheery!


  1. I think it needs to be Olivia's
    It will suit her colors :)

  2. I totally agree with you! Just not Isabella's best color....i don't know yet what is!
